304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Sky Box
This is an old idea I was pursuing in the 90's repositioned to be an provocative public-art sculpture. Unfortunately it is on hold until the commissioners can work out some issues with the city.

Although we were awarded this commission, the project is on hold until the organizers can work out the logistics.

Project Description: We propose to build an 8” tall cedar deck on the 12′ square concrete slab. In the center will be a 4′ square opening featuring a “mirror box,” covered with a clear walkable surface.

The mirror will reflect the sky and when viewed from a seated position, the tapered sides will bounce the reflections infinitely, creating an optical illusion which turns the sky into a giant sphere. 

A one inch thick clear plexiglass square will cap the mirror box. The surface of the scratch-resistant plexiglass will be flush with the surface of the deck boards. The mirror box will be a sealed unit, avoiding any issues of harm to the public or mirror breakage. The only maintenance will be keeping the surface plexiglass clean. 

At night the benches will light up from under the seats, by way of LED lighting strips powered by solar panels embedded in the sides of the benches.

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