304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM



Prairie Grass Parts

I’m starting the 5th version of the Prairie Grass prototype. I’ve taken into the studio all five of the previous prototype stalks and taking them apart. Most of the pieces can be reused: the 5, 1/2″ conduit pipes, all the…

Wheat Segments Completed

On February 12th I finally print all 41 seed of the wheat seedpod. The yellow portion measures 40″ tall and 8″ across. This is at a scale of 1:16. The 1.5″ SCH40 pipe has an outside diameter of 1.91″. The…

Grass Chandeliers

A while back I proposed an upside down chandelier of 5′ long grasses. Before I even had a chance to work out the details, I create some renderings of what it might look like. Sometimes the opportunities drive the creative…

Paravel Proposal (Grass or Wheat?)

This opportunity is ideal for either the Tall Grasses or the Wheat sculptures. With the Grass ready to propose, this post explores what would be needed to get the Wheat ready for the application process.

Lighting Grasses: With LED Strips

Here are the issues that need solutions. The bare LEDs are overwhelming the sculpture and I don't know how to light the seedpods without seeing the LEDs. Maybe we have to go back to heavily baffled flood lamps at the base. HELP!