304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Wheat Segments Completed

On February 12th I finally print all 41 seed of the wheat seedpod. The yellow portion measures 40″ tall and 8″ across. This is at a scale of 1:16.

The 1.5″ SCH40 pipe has an outside diameter of 1.91″. The actual stem diameter is .076″ which means the proportions would be more accurate by using 1.25″ pipe.

Each of the 41 segments locks together with the 1/4″ whiskers. Technically we should be able to remove the whole seedpod without it coming apart. (I will test this soon.)

The next step is to see if it’s feasible to gold leaf the surfaces of each seed.

Another thought is to see if the whole seedpod could be chromed.

The whiskers seen here are just 3d printed 1/4″ dowels. The plan is to replace them with 8′ long stainless steel rods, with a slight bend toward the center.

An issue that still remains is how strong are the seedpods. Could winds whip around the whiskers and break the seedpods?

This prototype is 3d printed with PLA. The exterior sculptures will be made with ASA, which is resistant to UV rays and much stronger that PLA.

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